Life Members

The following trappers are members of the exclusive Alaska Trappers Association’s Blue Lynx Club.

Jeff Austin X0001
Bob Akemann X0003
Wendell Shiffler X0004
Roger Kaye X0005
Bill Straub X0006
Earl Hutchison X0008
John Etcheverry X0009
Frank Borba X0011
Richard Henderson X0012
Tom Hudson X0013
Dean & Ada Wilson X0014
Larry Voorhees X0015
Gary Schroeder X0016
Rick Tyrrell X0017
Don Young X0018
Dan Tempel X0019
Terry Overely X0020
Mrs Edwin Gelvin X0024
Daniel Hickman X0025
Robert Lohse X0027
Leonard Demaray X0029
Pat Dolphin X0030
John Stengl X0031
Leonard Braswell X0032
Shorty Wilbur X0033
Richard Jones X0034
Keith Bayha X0035
Nick Schiffler X0036
William Davis X0037
Ludvick Sheda X0043
Patrick Paquet X0044
Bill Durning X0045
Miles Martin X0047
John Zabielski X0048
William Luebke X0049
John Majak X0051
Beaver Nelson X0053
Daryl Meyer X0054
Lyle Kritchen X0055
Patrick Wright X0057
Tom Lessard X0058
Pat Hall X0060
Reuben Henke X0061
Allen Dubord X0062
Jeff Humphries X0063
Joe Mattie X0064
Mark Knapp X0065
Rick Schikora X0066
Mike Chapin X0067
Pete Buist X0068
Keith J. Landies X0069
Tony Lamanna X0070
Greg Rietman X0073
Tim Buechle X0074
Kevin Hickman X0075
Fronzie Straub X0077
Steve Davila X0078
Ben Johnson X0080
Steve Ostanik X0081
Rick C Ellis X0082
Heimo Korth X0083
Richard Sicko X0084
Thomas George X0085
Jarl Gustafson X0086
Al Jones X0087
Kyle Davison X0088
Randall Kinsey X0089
Scott Gage X0090
Tony Naber X0091
David Bruss X0092
Al Shelton X0094
Brian Fletcher X0095
Ric Dotson X0096
Dale Mau X0097
Dick & Deb Fuelling X0098
Mike Dunham X0099
Craig Lott X0100
Donald Piotrowski X0101
Merle Muhe X0102
Frank & Sue Entsminger X0103
Ted Meyer X0104
Charlie Rock X0105
Keith Curtis X0106
Aaron Bird X0107
Art Stoepler X0108
Brad Porter X0110
John Warnick X0111
Rick Gray X0112
Joseph Gosselin III X0113
Jimm & Marlene Tilly X0114
Lee Cheney X0115
Christopher Smith X0116
Nick Mihalow X0117
Brandon Otts X0118
Harry Nichols Jr X0119
Mike Cronk X0120
Bill Wivoda X0121
Kevin Stickles X0122
Michael Soik X0123
John Crump X0124
Ron Sakalaskas X0125
Coke Wallace X0126
Gregg Sumstad X0127
Steve Gundersen X0129
Brent Keith X0130
Wayne Strassburg X0131
Thomas Jensen X0132
Kahler Schuemann X0133
Earl Bragg X0134
Mike Jensen X0135
Wayne Valcq X0137
Darrell Cridlebaugh X0138
David Allard X0139
Dr John Bast X0142
Phil Loudon X0143
Kenneth Woldstad X0144
Tim Ludwig X0145
Griz Stoepler X0147
Gene R Hume X0148
Scott Campbell X0149
Lowell Burgett X0150
Randy Smith X0151
Darryl Indrik X0152
Chris Castona X0153
Steve Flory X0154
Richard Migra X0155
Floyd Brooks X0156
Steve Nemethy X0157
Larry Turnbull X0158
Jim Masek X0159
Derek Nord X0161
Tom Howorth X0162
Dale Fowler X0163
Bill Granger X0164
Will Bowen X0165
Steve Shuttleworth X0166
Al Barrette X0167
Gary Hanchett X0168
Albert Ladd X0169
Zane Wilson X0170
Tom Williams X0171
Stan Dutoff X0172
Ricky L. Thomsen X0173
Jim Ehrhart X0174
Vain Smith X0175
John McCullough X0176
Jacques & Darcy Etcheverry X0177
Paul Kubitskey X0178
Dean Wilson Jr X0179

Chris Stankiewicz X0180
Michael James X0181
Gordon Wilson, WG Trading Co X0182
David Doudna X0183
Matthew Culley X0184
Jonathon Zeppa X0185
Brian Perlis X0186
Aubrey Bamford X0187
Kevin Barnhart X0188
Luke Baysinger X0189
Jeff Poor X0190
Shawn Behr X0191
David Likins X0192
Nathan Pamperin X0193
Mike Crawford X0194
Tom Seaton X0196
Steve Kakaruk X0197
Richard Bishop X0198
Michael Osborne X0199
Mark Nelson X0200
Gregg Vinger X0201
Mike Hemmer X0202
Mike Grant X0203
Daniel Green X0204
Todd Nichols X0205
Jack Byers III X0206
Steve James X0207
Mark Somerville X0208
Gary Otts X0209
Scott Allen Weum X0210
Tony Edwards X0211
Tom Cheeseman X0212
Mike Burns X0213
Kurt Lockwood X0214
Corey & Becky Schwanke X0215
Craig Schwanke X0216
Ricky Romine X0217
Shann Martin X0218
David Safine X0220
Steve Schleicher X0221
Richard & Lillian Person X0223
Joshua Schmidt X0224
Rodney Vesper X0225
William Morris X0226
Gary & Linda Bamford X0227, X0228
Jeff Tubbs X0229
Chuck Lind X0230
Barry Warner X0231
Gary Lewandowski X0232
David Duncan X0233
Zach Turner X0234
Raymond Johnson X0235
Ian Thomas X0236
Gordon Omnik X0237
George Bennett X0238
Brett Conley X0239
Chris Smith X0240
Howard Ross X0241
Neil Lehner X0242
Jason Wenger X0243
Darrell Bohn X0244
Timothy Berg X0245
Chris Terry X0246
Thomas Nelson X0247
Michael Cassidy X0248
Robert Cook X0249
Jon LaValle X0250
Dan Nelson X0251
Eric Kruse X0252
Barry Willard X0253
Ed Missler X0254
JR Pederson X0255
Just Jensen X0256
Dakota Millard X0257
Nick Power X0258
Thomas Hopson X0259
Don Horrell X0260
Mike Matney X0261
Kyle Wait X0262
Dennis Wilson X0262
Tim Conley X0263
James Anibas X0264
Norman Piispanen X0265
Shawn Conway X0266
Dean Theel X0268
Rick Wilbur X0269
David Clark X0270
Art Casserberg X0271
Travis Tolman X0272
William Addeo X0273
Dan Orlando X0274
Kelly Griffn X0275
Bill Larry X0276
Keith Rowland X0277
Joseph Letarte X0279
Ryan Littleton X0280
Jim Hoehn X0281
Tony Lee X0283
Thomas Narow X0284
Mario Mock X0285
Jeffrey Sutter X0286
Joel Reed X0287
Sean Sylvester X0288
Todd Walter X0290
David Benitz X0291
Mike Lunenschlos X0292
Bobby Childers X0293
Robert Graff X0294
Michael Elsner X0295
Hunter Mathews X0296
Artina Cunning X0297
Lance Nelson X0298
Thomas Fortier X0299
Gabriel Davis X0300
Brian Johnson X0301
Joseph Person X0302
Tim Rietman X0303
Ross Beal X0304
Tommy Maras X0305
Michael Robbins X0306
Brian Latham X0307
Jaimie Kassman X0308
Eugene Hall X0309
Jared Creviston X0310
Kurt Cook X0312
Samuel Fejes X0313
Jody Lozori X0314
Kristopher Richard X0315
Steven Strassburg X0316
Adam Zank X0317
Michael Knapp X0318
Melvin Foltz X0319
Matt Albert X0320
Lyle Becker X0321
Bret Bohn X0322
Dwight Mercer X0323
Jeff Stark X0324
Ryan Bandy X0325
Jerry Mills X0326
Tim Van Zant X0327
Kyle McMillan X0328
Raymond Heuer X0329
Adam Lammers X0330
Aaron Strickland X0331
Jake Elliott X0332
Thor Stacey X0333
Skip Bates X0334
Michael Killian X0335
Don Johnson X0336
Billy White X0337

Charlie Sykes X0338
Walter Robinson III X0339
Judd Manuel X0340
Robbin Hams X0341
Lincoln Parrett X0342
Nate Turner X0343
Joshua Fischer X0344
Robert Lindholm X0345
Ronald Malone X0346
Christopher Ferrieri X0347
Ted Hanson X0348
Ben Blair X0349
Ricky Lindsey X0350
Bob Hunter X0351
David Kingsley X0352
Lawrence Feltman X0353
Travis Banning X0354
Rodney Pangborn X0355
Rusty Kramer X0356
Gary Leistico X0357
Joseph O’Neil X0358
Bradley Swinning X0359
Warren Brigham X0360
Jeff Taylor X0361
Mike Turner X0362
Timothy Biggane X0363
Elwin Lawler X0364
Chuck Thomas X0365
Christopher Tobias X0366
Eric Leusch X0367
Aaron Pugh X0368
Brenda Wilbur X0369
Timothy Wingfield X0370
Ryan Moyle X0371
Jim Morris X0372
Qaiyaan Harcharek X0373
Philip Berg X0374
Jim Hill X0375
Roy Hull X0376
Scott Stroede X0377
John A Benedetto X0378
Daniel Eichner X0379
Ken Eichner X0380
Stephen Newman X0381
Terry Anaruk X0382
Gerald Richards X0383
Michael Herrman X0384
Austin Smith X0385
Bill West X0386
James Birch X0387
Winston Davies X0388
Bruce Mitchell X0389
Brett Gibbens X0390
Thomas Lees X0391
Wayne Clark X0392
John Dahman X0393
Bill Brophy X0394
Hanceford Clayton X0395
Nicholas Peters X0396
Dave Keys X0397
Harris Emmons X0398
Wayne Crowson X0399
Shane Arnold X0400
Dakota Arnold X0401
Henry Hastings X0402
Dan Hall X0403
Kregg Leffel X0404
David Miller X0405
Bruce Wolford X0406
Brandon Fischer X0407
Gary Taylor X0408
Mike Miller X0409
James Firmin X0410
James Culley X0411
Mark Richter X0412
Fred Pike X0413
Robert Lynn X0414
Anthony Hollis X0415
Dave Daggett X0416
Jeff Miller X0417
Russell Wimmer X0418
Christy Miller X0419
Mick Perry X0420
Neil McGraw X0421
James & Evelyn Warrington X0422
Mark Hamlyn X0423
David Ferkinhoff X0424
Matt Cooper X0425
Eddie Green X0426
David Johns X0429
Stephen Miller X0431
Sam Willingham X0432
Mitchell Whitman X0433
Jeremiah Wood X0434
Dave Schmitz X0435
Justin Maple X0436
Thor Jorgensen X0437
Don Deblauw X0438
Tyler Quakenbush X0439
Matt Lumley X0440
James Geib X0441
Shuan Porter X0442
Brian Falicon X0443
Jim Ward X0444
Chuck Iser X0445
Jarod Pyle X0446
Eric McNeil X0447
Drew Hilterbrand X0448
Bruce Engdahl X0449
Ivy O’Guinn X0450
Jarrett Finley X0451
Cody Cottrell X0453

Mission Statement

The Alaska Trappers Association endeavors to preserve and promote trapping through trapper education and public awareness.

Our Philosophy

Shared knowledge fosters responsible trappers and improves public understanding of trapping.

The Trapper's Code of Ethics

A Trapper’s Responsibility

  1. Respect the other trapper’s “grounds” – particularly brushed, maintained traplines with a history of use.
  2. Check traps regularly.
  3. Promote trapping methods that will reduce the possibility of catching non-target animals.
  4. Obtain landowners’ permission before trapping on private property.
  5. Know and use proper releasing and killing methods.
  6. Develop set location methods to prevent losses.
  7. Trap in the most humane way possible.
  8. Dispose of animal carcasses properly.
  9. Concentrate trapping in areas where animals are over-abundant for the supporting habitat.
  10. Promptly report the presence of diseased animals to wildlife authorities.
  11. Assist landowners who are having problems with predators and other furbearers that have become a nuisance.
  12. Support and help train new trappers in trapping ethics, methods and means, conservation, fur handling and marketing.
  13. Obey all trapping regulations, and support strict enforcement by reporting violations.
  14. Support and promote sound furbearer management.

The Code of Ethics is reprinted from the Alaska Trappers Manual. The manual was created in a joint effort by the Alaska Trappers Association and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The Alaska Trappers Manual and the Alaskan’s How-To Manual are available through the ATA.